From September 2022 to July 2023, I co-founded, edited, and produced the Global Media & Communication podcast series with Aswin Punathambekar. It is is part of the multimodal project powered by the Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication (CARGC) at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.
You can subscribe the GM&C series:
New Books Network | Spotify | Apple Podcast | RSS
Between 2016 to 2019, I co-hosted, edited, and produced CNpolitics Radio programs:
CNPolitics Podcast: Apple Podcast
CNPolitics Radio: Archive
Wang, Jing. (2023). "Small apps for digital futures: Podcasting ecology in contemporary China." Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, 21:2, pp. 185–200, https://doi.org/10.1386/rjao_00082_1
Rai, Swapnil and Wang, Jing. 2023. "The Sound of Protest: Bollywood’s Jimmy Jimmy and COVID unrest in China." Pop Junctions.
Wang, Jing. 2022. "Lockdown Sound Diaries: Podcasting and Affective Listening in the Shanghai Lockdown." Made in China Journal: 7(1): 150-61.
Rawson, Katie & Wang, Jing. May 2023. "Curating Podcast Archives for Feminist Sonic Futures." International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference, Pref-conference on Podcasting. Toronto, Canada.
Wang, Jing. April 2023. "Lockdown Sound Diaries." Workshop on podcasting, Duke University.
Wang, Jing. April 2023. "Small Apps, Podcasting, and Social Networks in China." Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) annual conference, Denver.
Wang, Jing. April, 2022. “I Love Iman: Muslim Women and Alternative Auditory Publics in Contemporary China.” Radio and Audio Area, Popular Culture & American Culture Association Conference (PCACA), virtual attendance.
March 2025. ""The glorious moment of an advanced maternal age woman” (高龄产妇的光辉时刻). 学非所用AfricaLounge. In Chinese
Wang Jing & Ning Hui (Lulu). March 2024. "Half a year into the Israel-Hamas war, what caused the global rifts?” (以哈战争半年,是什么引发了全球撕裂?). Initium Podcast 端闻. In Chinese
Wang Jing, Xiaoyi, & MT. March 2022. "To explore your life with edges and corneres of your characters." 宇宙乘客 Universal Residents. In Chinese
Luo Yu, Wang Jing, Zhang Chenchen, & Lin Yao. June 2021. "Constructing ethnicity, imagining otherness." 时差 In-Betweenness. In Chinese